Becoming a Member
AAUW is a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance. Your membership makes AAUW’s powerful voice even stronger on critical issues affecting women and girls.
National Membership is open to anyone holding an associate or equivalent (RN), baccalaureate, or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university.
Branch Membership in Valley Forge also includes membership in the association and AAUW Pennsylvania.
Now more than ever, the AAUW needs strength in numbers. With approximately 100,000 members, 1,000 branches, and over 500 college and university partner members, AAUW uses its powerful voice on critical issues affecting women and girls. Share in the commitment to speak out on vital social, economic, and political issues. Education. Civil rights. Affirmative action. Reproductive choice. Sex discrimination. Title IX. Health care. Hate crimes.
Student Affiliation is open to anyone who does not already hold an undergraduate degree and is enrolled in a two or four-year regionally accredited educational institution. Students enrolled at College/University Partner Member institutions receive a free e-Student affiliation.
College/University Partner Membership is open to regionally accredited educational institutions, including two-year or community colleges. Students enrolled in these institutions receive a free e-Student affiliation.

Member Benefits
Members receive:
- AAUW Outlook, AAUW’s Award-Winning Magazine Which Highlights Issues and Individuals Affecting Women and Girls Today
- Action Network Briefs That Alert You to Congressional Actions on Issues That Can Change Your Life
- Keystoner, the Magazine of AAUW Pennsylvania
- Valley Forge Branch Handbook and Directory
- AAUW Bridges to Equity, Valley Forge Branch’s Monthly Newsletter That Details Upcoming Meetings As Well as Issues Concerning the Membership
Members are also eligible for discounts for AAUW books, merchandise, credit cards, magazine subscriptions, quality health and life insurance plans, auto insurance, and books.